Menopace Plus Tablets
The menopause is a natural stage of life that every woman goes through. Thousands of women worldwide have discovered that Menopace Plus, the UK's No.1 selling supplement for this stage of life, gives them effective nutritional support to help maintain health and vitality.
Size: 56 tablets (2 x 28 tablets)
Menopace Plus is a specially formulated food supplement for women during the menopause who are looking for even greater support. Menopace Plus provides a unique formula in a handy dual pack combining the original multinutrient tablets with a unique active botanical tablet. Menopace Plus is for those who want extra nutritional support during the menopause. It contains the additional benefits of an 'active botanical' tablet to be taken alongside the multinutrient tablet. This has been specially formulated for women who are looking for extra nutritional support during this time of change. Each tablet contains an additional 100mg of soya isoflavone extract, 250mg sage extract, 50mg green tea extract and 50mg of flax lignans.
Active Botanical Tablet provides:
High strength soy isoflavones - Soy is one of the richest natural sources of isoflavones including diadzein, glycetine and genistein. These phyto-nutrients are widely consumed by women during later life.
Sage - Native to the Mediterranean, sage is a member of the mint family and is know for its common use as a kitchen herb.
Flaxseed lignans - Lignans are phytonutrients which occur naturally in flax and unrefined grains. Flaxseed has a natural lignan content that is more than 100 times higher than other plant sources. The extract used in Menopace Plus is further enriched to provide 10-30 times more lignans than flaxseed. The principle lignan in flax is secoisolariciresinol diglucoside, or SDG. When ingested, micro-organisms in the gut convert SDG into active mammalian lignans, which may be helpful in maintaining health during the menopause.
Green tea - Green tea has been popular in China for thousands of years, but only recently has the Western world discovered its remarkable health benefits. Green tea contains a number of powerful antioxidants, which can help to protect the body from free radical damage, which is particularly important as we get older.
Menopace Plus with extra soy isoflavones is the most comprehensive formula available for the menopause.
The formula provides specific nutrients for the following key areas:
Overall vitality & wellbeing: provides vitamin B complex, which is involved in the maintenance of the nervous system and has a role in brain function. Nutrients in the diet such as B Vitamins may also help contribute to a normal sense of well-being.
Maintaining healthy hormone balance: includes zinc and magnesium, which are used by the body in the production of GLA (gamma linolenic acid).
Cofactors to help keep your bones strong and healthy
Bone health is particularly important for women during the menopause and Menopace Plus contains magnesium, zinc and vitamin D3, to help maintain strong bones. These nutrients support bone mineralisation, and the uptake of calcium. Menopace Plus is designed to be taken in conjunction with a calcium supplement such as Osteocare.
Nutrients to help maintain heart health
Maintaining heart and cardiovascular wellbeing is especially important for older women. Menopace Plus includes antioxidants like selenium and vitamin E, to help prevent the oxidation of fat and cholesterol in the blood. Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid also help maintain healthy lower levels of a blood amino acid called homocysteine that is independently linked with heart health.
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